Feb 28, 2010

What is the What

"It was a strange thing, I realize, but what I think at this moment is that I want to be back in Kakuma."
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Thought by Valentino Achak Deng
-In this book, the Americans do not treat Valentino very nicely. Within the first couple of pages, Valentino is being robbed and threatened with a gun. He wishes that he was back in Kakuma, his homeland. American is supposed to bring new opportunities and a better life. Instead, Valentino is getting all of his valuable items, that were donated to him, stolen before his own eyes. Since Valentino has been through so much already, he has learned that he must stick up for himself. When Valentino gets robs, he tries to stick up for himself but instead gets calls a bad name and a gun pointed at him.
- I, personally, have never been in a situation so drastic as this one. I can only imagine what Valentino must be feeling as he is robbed. Although I haven't been in a situation such as this, I have felt that kind of emptiness where anything you do, just makes the situation worse. In Valentino's case, any movement he made or word he said would have him fearing for his life. It's a horrible feeling.
-Have you ever felt like trying to solve a problem but you know that it would just make it worse?

"No, no," Edgardo said,"No fighting. I don't want all the fighting. I read three newspapers a day."
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Said by Edgardo
-For most immigrants, one of the main reasons they come to the United States, is to escape all the war in their home country. Valentino Achak Deng describes his past in both positive and negative ways. He tells stories about him staring at a tiger and his fathers store being raided by Sudan People's Liberation Army. All of the fighting, just never seemed to go away. He wanted a new chance so he made the long, dreadful journey to America.
- War has never really effected me personally but I know many families who have been ruined because of war. Wars hardly ever, physically, effect the United States, which I am very thankful for. I hear stories about all the children and families that have become homeless because of war and I realize how lucky we are.
- Has War ever effected you or your family?